Designed to train the finer details more effectively
The Football Cannon is an amazing coaching tool that can really enhance training sessions. It’s simple to operate, easy to move, quick to charge, and lasts for hours. We have highlighted four things that make the Football Cannon something special:
1️⃣ Ball rack with a capacity of 20 balls: This allows coaches to focus on analyzing training instead of constantly feeding the cannon with balls.
2️⃣ Equipped with a Schneider monitor and remote control: This allows coaches to effortlessly manage the cannon from the sidelines.
3️⃣ Maximum launch speed of 120 km/h over a distance of 60 meters: Its firing mechanism imitates a real foot, providing a more realistic shot – just like players in real life.
4️⃣ Robust Lithium 12AH battery: This provides enough power to complete a full training session.